Company productivity: 5 factors that affect it and how to optimize it
May, 2021
Company productivity has always been an important aspect for managers in all areas.
Thus, it is common for leaders to seek to identify productivity bottlenecks in their teams and know how to correct them. The good news is that there are several problems that can be easily solved, improving the company's productivity significantly.
1. Lack of internal communication
One of the main productivity problems in companies is the lack of communication among teams or among their superiors. In the latter case, failures tend to generate dissatisfaction and even greater drops in productivity.
Thus, the main suggestion is to invest in means of maintaining communication, whether by e-mails, posters, corporate networks or similar methods, also encouraging dialogue among employees. In addition, it is ideal to set a time during the week to establish, exchange and monitor ideas and goals, making communication clearer and helping team integration.
2. Lack of organization
The ease of access to information in recent years has brought more knowledge and possibilities to companies, but its excess has also been a problem. Routines that are too full cause that not everything is done in the best way, generating rework and, consequently, loss of productivity for the company.
In this sense, the ideal is to make a daily planning before starting the file. When doing this, it is important to check the agenda and check the inbox to start the day focused on the most urgent demands.
3. Lack of team commitment
Threatening and hated bosses are usually a problem in companies. In addition to not being useful in the mission of motivating their collaborators, those who really bring results for the business will have more ease and reasons to leave productivity aside or even resign, since they do not see recognition for their efforts.
Finally, a third way to keep your employees engaged is to have a system of commissions, bonuses or similar methods. This is very useful in the mission of achieving the company's objectives and ensuring greater commitment from the team.
4. Repetitive activities
Repetitive activities are sometimes the main productivity bottleneck in companies. The problem is not always perceived, as many have the misconception that a busy team is always being productive to the maximum.
5. Task overload
Task overload has also been a problem for companies' productivity, as it prevents employees from having enough focus and performing their activities in the best way.
One of the ways to correct this is through outsourcing. Besides being useful to reduce costs, this methodology also helps companies by allowing their internal staff to focus on strategic tasks, leaving the rest to external collaborators.
SA. (2018). Productividad de la empresa: 5 factores que afectan y cómo optimizar. 5 Mayo, de MXM sistemas Sitio web: